
waterdrop® works with to collect experiences and reviews from our customers. is a global review platform that helps consumers share their experiences with businesses.

Some time after completing an order in our webshop, our customers will receive an email to the email address provided by the customer when placing the order. This email contains a link to a form that the customer can use to leave a review about waterdrop® and/or the products purchased. The link is valid for 90 days after receipt of this invitation. 

Verified and Non-Verified Reviews uses a number of measures to verify the authenticity of reviews on its platform. Most of these measures are technical in nature and utilise automated processes and algorithms to detect potential fraud or fraudulent reviews. Some measures are carried out manually if further investigation is required.

The technical measures used to verify reviews include, but are not limited to:

  • automated invitation processes via integration with waterdrop® database
  • automatic detection of suspicious behaviour, such as unusual user patterns or multiple reviews submitted from the same IP address
  • proprietary algorithms

The manual measures used to review reviews include, but are not limited to:

  • random analysis of submitted reviews for a company or product by the Compliance Team;
  • additional investigations by the Compliance Team when reported by other consumers;
  • requests for further information from the customer by the Compliance Team. 

Rating scores

All reviews submitted on are rated on a 5-star scale, regardless of whether it is a review of waterdrop® or a product. An average rating is calculated based on all reviews submitted by consumers over time.